Location: Clark Hall, Room 285
Contact Person for Problems or Questions: Helen Miller, Clark Hall, Room 285, 5-8383.
New employees should stop by Helen’s office to verify all of their personnel paperwork has been received and processed. Changes in personnel appointments should be put in writing and given to Helen with the appropriate amount of lead time (2 weeks).
Pay Periods
Payroll checks are issued twice a month; on the 25th for the first 15 days of the month, and on the 10th of the following month for the second half of the month. All paperwork for appointments, changes in appointments, etc., need to be processed prior to the 3rd of the month to insure payment on the 25th or by the 19th of the month to insure payment on the 10th of the following month. Checks are mailed to your home address. Direct deposit is advised and is available through the central Payroll Office.