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Washington State University

Federal Express Shipments

Location: Clark Hall, Room 299
Contact Person for Questions or Problems: Mary Kittelson, Room 299, 5-0586

Mary Kittelson handles all requests for shipments. Please complete the Request for Shipment Information form or provide the following information to Mary no later than 11 a.m. on the day of shipment.   Federal Express delivers to Room 299 between 10 a.m. and noon every morning, and picks up from Room 299 after 1 p.m. every afternoon.

Information needed:

1. The full name of the recipient.
2. The name of the recipient’s company, corporation or organization.
3. The street address. Federal Express will not deliver to a post office box.
4. The city, state and ZIP (including the 4-digit extension, if known).
5. The e-mail address and telephone number of the recipient (or the office/department phone number).
6. Identify the contents of the package and indicate if it requires special handling, (i.e. whether it requires dry ice, or it is a hazardous substance).
7. Indicate the name of your Principal Investigator, and your name as the person requesting the shipment.
8. Be sure to include the budget number that the shipment will be charged to. Please confirm this number with your P.I.
9. Indicate if the shipment needs to go out “Overnight” or requires other special handling.

Shipping by UPS is also available using the same procedures.

Request to Ship Information Form