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Washington State University


Posted by allen.johns | October 17, 2014
  1. Costa, M.A., Marques, J.V., Dalisay, D.S., Herman, B., Bedgar, D.L., Davin, L.B., and Lewis, N.G.  2013. Transgenic hybrid poplar for sustainable and scalable production of the commodity/specialty chemical, 2-phenylethanol. PloS One 8(12): e83169.
  2. Cuthbertson, D.J., Johnson, S.R., Piljac-Žegarac, J., Kappel, J., Schäfer, S., Wüst, M., Ketchum, R.E.B., Croteau, R.B., Marques, J.V., Davin, L.B., Lewis, N.G., Rolf, M., Kutchan, T.M., Soejarto, D.D., and Lange, B.M.  2013. Accurate mass – time tag library for LC/MS-based metabolite profiling of medicinal plants. Phytochemistry 91: 187-197.
  3. Lee, C., Bedgar, D.L., Davin, L.B., and Lewis, N.G.  2013. Assessment of a putative proton relay in Arabidopsis cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase catalysis. Org. Biomol. Chem. 11: 1127-1134.
  4. Marques, J.V., Kim, K.-W., Lee, C., Costa, M.A., May, G.D., Crow, J.A., Davin, L.B., and Lewis, N.G.  2013. Next generation sequencing in predicting gene function in podophyllotoxin biosynthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 288: 466-479 (PMC3537044).