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Washington State University

2012 and prior

Posted by allen.johns | September 25, 2014
  1. Yurgel*, S.N., J. Rice, and M.L Kahn. 2012. Nitrogen metabolism in S. meliloti-alfalfa symbiosis: Dissecting the role of GlnD and PII proteins. MPMI. 25:355-362.
  2. Roumiantseva M.L., V.S. Belova, S.N. Yurgel, D. Rays, T.B. Rumyantseva, and B.V. Simarov 2011. Vitality of Sinorhizobium meliloti CIAM1775 in soils of different acidity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Agrobiology (Ulyanovsk). 20-24.
  3. Yurgel*, S.N., J. Rice, M. Mudler, and M.L. Kahn. 2010. GlnB/GlnK PII proteins and regulation of the Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 nitrogen stress response and symbiotic function. J Bacteriol. 192:2473-2481.
  4. Becker, A, M.J. Barnett, D. Capela, M. Dondrup, P-B. Kamp, E. Krol, B. Linke, S. Rüberg, K. Runte, B.K. Schroeder, S. Weidner, S. Yurgel, J. Batut, S.R. Long, A. Pühler, and A. Goesmann. 2009. A portal for rhizobial genomes: RhizoGATE integrates a S. meliloti genome annotation update with postgenome data. J Biotechnology 140:45-50.
  5. Humann, J.L., H.T. Ziemkiewicz, S.N. Yurgel and M L. Kahn. 2009. Regulatory and DNA repair genes contribute to desiccation resistance in Sinorhizobium meliloti SM1021. Appl Environ Microbiol. 75:446-453.
  6. Yurgel*, S.N. and M.L. Kahn. 2008. A mutant GlnD nitrogen sensor protein leads to a nitrogen-fixing but ineffective Sinorhizobium meliloti symbiosis with alfalfa. PNAS. 105:18958-18963.
  7. Humann, J.L., B.K. Schroeder, M.W. Mortimer, B.L. House, S.N. Yurgel, S.C. Maloney, K.L. Ward, H.M. Fallquist, H.T. Ziemkiewicz and M.L. Kahn. 2008. Construction and expression of sugar kinase transcriptional gene fusions using the Sinorhizobium meliloti ORFeome. Appl Environ Microbiol. 74:6756-6765.
  8. Yurgel*, S.N., J. Berrocal, C. Wilson and M.L. Kahn. 2007. Pleiotropic effects of mutations that alter the S. meliloti cytochrome c respiratory system. Microbiol. 153: 399-410.
  9. Trainer M.A., S.N. Yurgel and M.L. Kahn. 2007. Role of a conserved membrane glycine residue in a dicarboxylate transporter from Sinorhizobium meliloti. J Bacteriol. 189: 2160-2163.
  10. Schroeder, B.K., B.L. House, M.W. Mortimer, S.N. Yurgel, S.C. Maloney, K.L. Warren, S.R. Long and M.L. Kahn. 2005. Developing a Functional Genomics Platform for Sinorhizobium meliloti: Constructing an ORFeome. Appl Environ Microbiol. 71: 5858-5864.
  11. Yurgel S.N. and M.L. Kahn. 2005. Sinorhizobium meliloti dctA mutants with partial ability to transport dicarboxylate acids. J Bacteriol. 187: 1161-1172. Article includes cover illustration.
  12. Yurgel*, S.N. and M.L. Kahn. 2004. Dicarboxylate transport by rhizobia. FEMS Microbiol Revs. 28: 485-501.
  13.  Yurgel S.N., M.W. Mortimer, K.N., Rogers and M.L. Kahn. 2000. New substrates for the dicarboxylate transport system of Sinorhizobium meliloti. J Bacteriol. 182: 4216-4221.
  14. Zatiovskaia T.V., L.V. Kosenko, S.N. Yurgel and B.V. Simarov. 2000. LPS mutants of Sinorhizobium meliloti and their nodulation competitiveness. Mikrobiol Z. 62: 27-37.
  15. Sharypova L.A., S.N. Yurgel, M. Keller, B.V. Simarov, A. Puhler and A. Becker. 1999. The eff-482 locus of Sinorhizobium meliloti CXM1-105 that influences symbiotic effectiveness consists of three genes encoding an endoglycanase, a transcriptional regulator and an adenylate cyclase. Mol Gen Genet. 261: 1032-1044.
  16.  Yurgel* S.N. and B.V. Simarov. 1999. Rhizobial electron transport chain and its genetic determination. Russ. J. Genetics 35: 101-109.
  17. Zatovskaya T.V., K.V. Ushakov, S.N. Yurgel, L.V. Kosenko, I.Y. Zakharova and B.V. Simarov. 1998. Tn5 mutants of Rhizobium meliloti with altered composition of polysaccharides and analysis of their symbiotic properties. Russ. J. Genetics 34: 606-611.
  18.  Yurgel* S.N., L.A. Shatypova and B.V. Simarov. 1998. Mutations Tn5 of Rhizobium meliloti enhancing the redox potential of free-living cell and the effectiveness of their symbiosis with alfalfa. Russ. J. Genetics 34: 601-605.
  19.  Yurgel* S.N., M. Soberon, L.A. Sharypova, J. Miranda, C. Morera and B.V. Simarov. 1998. Isolation of Sinorhizobium meliloti Tn5 mutants with altered cytochrome terminal oxidase expression and improved symbiotic performance. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 165: 167-173.
  20. Yurgel* S.N., L.A. Sharypova., L.A. Syrtsova, S.Y. Druzhinin, A.P. Sadkov and B.V. Simarov. 1996. Respiratory activity and symbiotic effectiveness in the nodule bacterium Rhizobium meliloti. Microbiol. (Russ) 65: 517-521.