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Washington State University


Posted by allen.johns | September 24, 2014
  1. Berim, A., Gang, D.R. 2013. The roles of a flavone 6-hydroxylase and 7-O-demethylation in the flavone biosynthesis network of sweet basil. J. Biol. Chem. 288(3):1795-1805.
  2. Ishiuchi, K., Park, J.J., Long, R.M., Gang, D.R. 2013. Production of huperzine A and other Lycopodium alkaloids in Huperzia species grown under controlled conditions and in vitro. Phytochemistry 91:208-219.
  3. Flores-Sanchez, I.J., Gang, D.R. 2013. Inhibition of hydroxycinnamoly- CoA thioesterases in ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) and turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) by lipase inhibitors. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 72:46-53.
  4. Koo, H.J., McDowell, E.T., Ma, X., Greer, K., Kapteyn, J., Xie, Z., Descour, A., Kim, H.R., Yu, Y., Kudrna, D., Wing, R.A., Soderlund, C.A., Gang, D.R. 2013. Ginger and turmeric expressed sequence tags identify signature genes for rhizome identity and development and the biosynthesis of curcuminoids, gingerols and terpenoids. BMC Plant Biology 13:27.
  5. Li, H., Bendiak, B., Siems, W.F., Gang, D.R., Hill, H.H. 2013. Ion mobility-mass correlation trend line separation of glycoprotein digests without deglycosylation. Int. J. Ion Mobil. Spectrom. 16(2):105-115.
  6. Li, H., Bendiak, B., Siems, W.F., Gang, D.R., Hill, H.H. 2013. Carbohydrate structure characterization by tandem ion mobility mass spectrometry (IMMS)2. Anal. Chem. 85(5):2760-2769.
  7. Ming, R., VanBuren, R., Liu, Y., Yang, M., Han, Y., Li, L.T., Zhang, Q., Kim, M.J., Schatz, M.C., Campbell, M., Li, J., Bowers, J., Tang, H., Lyons, E., Ferguson, A., Narzisi, G., Nelson, D.R., Blaby-Haas, C.E., Gschwend, A.R., Jiao, Y., Der, J.P., Zeng, F., Han, J., Min, X., Hudson, K.A., Singh, R., Grennan, A.K., Karpowicz, S.J., Watling, J.R., Ito, K., Robinson, S.A., Hudson, M.E., Yu, Q., Mockler, T.C., Carroll, A., Xheng, Y., Sunkar, R., Jia, R., Chen, N., Arro, J., Wai, C.M., Wafula, E., Spence, A., Han, Y., Xu, L., Zhang, J., Peery, R., Haus, M.J., Xiong, W., Walsh, J.A., Wu, J., Wang, M.L., Zhu, Y.J., Paull, R.E., Britt, A.B., Du, C., Downie, S.R., Schuler, M.A., Michael, T.P., Long, S.P., Ort, D.R., Schopf, J.W., Gang, D.R., Jiang, N., Yandell, M., dePamphilis, C.W., Merchant, S.S., Paterson, A.H., Buchanan, B.B., Li, S., Shen-Miller, J. 2013. Genome of the long-living sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.). Genome Biology 14:R41.
  8. Berim, A., Gang, D.R. 2013. Characterization of two candidate flavone 8-O-methyltransferases suggests the existence of two potential routes to nevadensin in sweet basil. Phytochemistry 92:33-41.
  9. Soderlund, C., Nelson, W., Willer, M., Gang, D.R. 2013. TCW: Transcriptome computational workbench. PLoS One 8(7):e69401.
  10. Kim, M.J., Nelson, W., Soderlund, C.A., Gang, D.R. 2013. Next-generation sequencing-based transcriptional profiling of sacred lotus “China Antique”. Tropical Plant Biology 6(2-3)161-179.