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Washington State University

Selected Publications

Posted by allen.johns | September 23, 2014


1. Hampel, D., Mau, C.J.D. and Croteau, R.B. 2009. Taxol Biosynthesis: Identification and Characterization of Two Acetyl CoA: Taxoid-O-acetyl Transferases That Divert Pathway Flux Away From Taxol Production. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 487:91-97.

2. Rios-Estepa, R., Turner, G.W., Lee, J.M., Croteau. R.B. and Lange B.M. 2008. A Systems Biology Approach Identifies the Biochemical Mechanisms Regulating Monoterpenoid Essential Oil Composition in Pepermint. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105:2818-2823.

3. Long R.M., Lagisetti, C., Coates, R.M. and Croteau, R.B. 2008. Specificity of the N-Benzoyl Transferase Responsible for the Last Step of Taxol Biosynthesis. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 477:384-389.

4. Hyatt, D.C., Youn, B., Zhao, Y., Santhamma, B., Coates, R.M., Croteau, R. and Kang, C.-H. 2007. Structure of Limonene Synthase, a Simple Model for Terpenoid Cyclase Catalysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104:5360-5365.

5. Ketchum, R.E.B., Horiguchi, T., Qiu, D., Williams, R.M. and Croteau, R.B. 2007. Feeding Cultured Taxus Cells with Early Precursors Reveals Bifurcations in the Taxoid Biosynthetic Pathway. Phytochemistry 68:335-341.

6. Ketchum, R.E.B., Wherland, L. and Croteau, R.B. 2007. Stable Transformation and Long-Term Maintenance of Taxus Cell Suspension Cultures. Plant Cell Rep. 26:1025-1033.

7. Mau, C.J.D. and Croteau, R. 2006. Cytochrome P450 Oxygneases of Monoterpene Metabolism. Phytochem. Rev. 5:373-383.

8. Kaspera, R. and Croteau, R. 2006. Cytochrome P450 Oxygenases of Taxol Biosynthesis. Phytochem. Rev. 5:433-444.

9. Davis, E.M., Ringer, K.L. and Croteau, R. 2006. Biochemistry, Enzymology, and Biotechnological Potential of Monoterpene Biosynthesis in Mentha. Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. (in press).

10. Croteau, R., Ketchum, R.E.B., Long, R.M., Kaspera, R. and Wildung, M.R. 2006. Taxol Biosynthesis and Molecular Genetics. Phytochem. Rev. 5:75-97.

11. Ketchum, R.E.B. and Croteau, R.B. 2006. The Taxoid Metabolome and the Elucidation of the Paclitaxel Biosynthetic Pathway in Cell Suspension Cultures of Taxus. In “Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry”, Saito, K., Dixon, R. and Willmetzer, L. (eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, 57:291-309.

12. DeJong, J.M., Liu, Y., Bollon, A.P., Long, R.M., Jennewein, S., Williams, D. and Croteau, R.B. 2006. Genetic Engineering of Taxol Biosynthetic Genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnol. Bioengin. 93:212-224.

13. Croteau, R., Davis, E.M., Ringer, K.L. and Wildung, M.R. 2005. Menthol Biosynthesis and Molecular Genetics. Naturwissenschaften 92:562-577.

14. Long, R.M. and Croteau, R. 2005. Preliminary Assessment of the C13-Side Chain 2ยด-Hydroxylase Involved in Taxol Biosynthesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 338:410-417.

15. Hyatt, D.C. and Croteau, R. 2005. Mutational Analysis of a Monoterpene Synthase Reaction: Altered Catalysis Through Directed Mutagenesis of (-)-Pinene Synthase from Abies grandis. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 439:222-233.

16. Jin, Q., Williams, D.C., Hezari, M., Croteau, R. and Coates, R.M. 2005. Stereochemistry of the Macrocyclization and Elimination Steps in Taxadiene Biosynthesis Through Deuterium Labeling. J. Org. Chem. 70:4667-4675.

17. Wildung, M.R. and Croteau, R.B. 2005. Genetic Engineering of Peppermint for Improved Essential Oil Composition and Yield. Transgen. Res. 14:365-372.

18. Jin, Y., Williams, D.C., Croteau, R. and Coates, R.M. 2005. Taxadiene Synthase-Catalyzed Cyclization of 6-Fluorogeranylgeranyl Diphosphate to 7-Fluoroverticillenes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127:7834-7842.

19. Davis, E.M., Ringer, K.L., McConkey, M.E. and Croteau, R. 2005. Monoterpene Metabolism: Cloning, Expression and Characterization of Menthone Reductases from Peppermint. Plant Physiol. 137:873-881.

20. Ringer, K.L., Davis, E.M. and Croteau, R. 2005. Monoterpene Metabolism: Cloning, Expression and Characterization of (-)-Isopiperitenol/(-)-Carveol Dehydrogenase from Peppermint and Spearmint. Plant Physiol. 137:863-872.