1. Marques, J.V., Dalisay, D.S., Yang, H., Lee, C., Davin, L.B. and Lewis NG. A multi-omics strategy resolves the elusive nature of alkaloids in Podophyllum species. Molecular BioSystems. 2014, 10, 2838-2849. Cover Feature.
2. Ratnaweera, P., Williams, D.E., de Silva, E. D., Wijesundera, R., Dalisay, D.S and Andersen, R.J. Helvolic acid, an antibacterial nortriterpenoid from a fungal endophyte, Xylaria sp. of orchid Anoectochilus setaceus endemic to Sri Lanka. 2014. Mycology, 5, 23-28. DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2014.892905