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Washington State University


Posted by allen.johns | September 24, 2014


  1. Kim, M.J., Salvato, F., Balbuena, T.S., Gargouri, M., He., R., Nelson, W., Crow, J.A., Kramer, R., Kim, R., May, G.D., Thelen, J.J., Soderlund, C.S., Gang, D.R. 2014. Quantitative transcriptional and proteomic profiling of ginger rhizomes (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). Plant J.  In Revision.
  2. Berim, A., Gang, D.R. 2014. New roles for ancient proteins: Flavone 8-hydroxylase in sweet basil trichomes is a rieske-type oxygenase. Plant. J. 80(3):385-395.
  3. Ibdah, M., Martens, S., Herrera Valderrama, A.L., Dong, Y., Davidovich-Rikanati, R. Lewinsohn, E., Gang, D.R. 2014. A p-Coumaroyl-CoA double bond reductase involved in dihydrochalcone biosynthesis in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.). Phytochemistry 107:24-31.
  4. Kim, W., Park, C.-M., Park, J.-J., Akamatsu, H.O., Peever, T.L., Xian, M., Gang, D.R., Vandemark, G., Chen, W. 2014. Functional analyses of the diels-alderase gene sol5 of Ascochyta rabiei and Alternaria solani indicate that the solanapyrone phytotoxins are not required for pathogenicity. Mol. Plant Microbe In. 28(4):482-496.
  5. Havelund, J.F., Salvato, F., Chen, M., Rao, R.S.P., Rogowska-Wrzesinska, A.,  Jensen, O.N., Gang, D.R., Thelen, J.J.,  Møller, I.M. 2014. Isolation of mitochondria from potato tubers. Bio-protocol 4(17):e1226.
  6. Ibdah, M., Gang, D.R. 2014. The utility of coupled ion mobility spectrometry-time of flight mass spectrometry in the analysis of saturated and unsaturated phenylpropanoic acids and chalcones. Chemistry Central 8(1):38.
  7. He, R., Gang, D.R. 2014. Somatic embryogenesis and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of turmeric (Curcuma longa). Plant Cell Tiss. Org. (PCTOC) 116(3):333-342.
  8. Yin, C., Park, J.-J., Gang, D.R., Hulbert, S. 2014. Characterization of a tryptophan 2-monooxygenase gene from Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici involved in auxin biosynthesis and rust pathogenicity. Mol. Plant Microbe In. 27(2):227-235.
  9. Salvato, F., Havelund, J.F., Chen, M., Rao, R.S.P., Rogowska-Wrzesinska, A., Jensen, O.N., Gang, D.R., Thelen, J.J.,  Møller, I.M. 2014. The potato tuber mitochondrial proteome. Plant Physiol. 164(2):637-653.
  10. He, R., Salvato, F., Park, J.-J., Kim, M.J., Nelson, W., Balbuena, T.S., Willer, M., Crow, J.A., May, G.D., Soderlund, C.A., Thelen J.J., Gang, D.R. 2014. A systems-wide comparison of red rice (Oryza longistaminata) tissues identifies rhizome specific genes and proteins that are targets for cultivated rice improvement. BMC Plant Biology 14(1):46.