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Washington State University


Posted by allen.johns | September 23, 2014
  1. S. Puthiyaveetil, O. Tsabari, T. Lowry, S. Lenhert, R.R. Lewis, Z. Reich, H. Kirchhoff (2014) Compartmentalization of the Protein Repair Machinery in Photosynthetic Membranes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111,15839-15844
  2. S. Puthiyaveetil, T. Woodiwiss, R. Knoerdel, A. Zia, M. Wood, R. Hoehner, H. Kirchhoff (2014) Significance of the Photosystem II core Phosphatase PBCP for Plant Viability and Protein Repair in Thylakoid Membranes. Plant Cell Physiology 55, 1245-1254 (Special Focus Issue: Photo-oxidative stress on the chloroplasts and molecular dynamics of thylakoids).
  3. P. Wensel, G. Helms, B. Hiscox, W.C. Davis, H. Kirchhoff, M. Bule, L.Yu, S. Chen (2014) Isolation, characterization, and validation of oleaginous, multi-trophic, and haloalkaline-tolerant microalgae for two-stage cultivation. Algal Research, in press
  4. H. Kirchhoff (2014) Structural changes of the thylakoid membrane network induced by high-light stress in plant chloroplasts. Special issue on Changing the light environment: chloroplast signaling and response mechanisms (Editors: Cornelia Spetea, Eevi Rintamäki, Benoît Schoefs), Philosophical Transactions B 369, 20130225.
  5. H. Kirchhoff (2014) Dynamic architecture of photosynthetic membranes. In: Advances in Plant Biology: Plastid Biology (Editors: F.-A. Wollman and S. Theg), Springer Press, in press
  6. H. Kirchhoff (2014) The mechanisms of repair. Research Media (UK), Nov 2014, 17-19